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The CuteiOS Qt SDKs & Platform Plugins allow Qt Apps to be built for and run on iOS devices

CuteiOS was formerly known as Qt4iOS
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  • Downloads

    The latest versions (1 April 2014) of the CuteiOS Qt SDK for iOS devices and simulator can be downloaded from:

    Qt 4.8.5 for iPhone 3GS (and later)*  (with SSL support)
    Qt 5.0.2 for iPhone 3GS (and later)*  (with SSL support)
    Qt 5.1.1 for iPhone 3GS (and later)*  (with SSL support)

    The latest version (1 April 2014) of the CuteiOS Qt 5.2 Platform Plugin for iOS devices and simulator can be downloaded from:

    Qt 5.2/5.3 Platform Plugin for iPhone 3GS (and later)*  (requires Qt 5.2/5.3 SDK for iOS)

    * OpenGL/ES2 and ARMv7

    Keep updated by joining our mailing list or follow us on our social networking sites.


    Me"di*a`tor, n. [L. mediator: cf. E. m['e]diateur.]
    noun a negotiator who acts as a link between parties

    About the CuteiOS SDK
    The Qt 4.8 iOS SDK has been built from the released Qt 4.8.5 OpenSource source code with some iOS-specific code and necessary API changes to Qt 4.8.x patched in. The source code is provided as a separate download.

    The Qt 5.0 SDK has been built from the released Qt 5.0.2 OpenSource source code with some iOS-specific code and later Qt 5.x fixes patched in. The source code is provided as a separate download.

    The Qt 5.1 SDK has been built from the released Qt 5.1.1 OpenSource source code with some iOS-specific code and iOS-specific fixes patched in. The source code is provided as a separate download.

    The SDK contains ‘Lighthouse’ plugins for iOS: ‘CuteiOS’ (commercial, developed with a commercial Qt license, closed source) and ‘UIKit’/'iOS' (open source, part of Qt 4.8 & 5.1).

    (any trademarks used here belong to their respective owners and are used without permission for informational purposes only)